(6/15/2024) Working on revised blog feature.
Change Log
2024 October
2024/10/15: Email issues
The email function was not working properly. A SMTP server has been setup to process all outgoing emails. Formerly it email was processed in the IIS server. Email messages are now being properly sent when a new user registers and request to send emails
2024/10/10: Accordion Style addition
The style class "disclosure" has been added to wrd-combined.css. More information for the "details" element can be found at The Details disclosure element.
Color classes for "disclosure" can be found in the documentation below the content under WRD Bootstrap.
Changes can be found under WRD Bootstrap v2.2.1.
2024 September
Implemented a fraud detection
During the months of August and September a more comprehensive fraud detection process was implemented. Web Rapid Development has an internal data base of IP addresses. When access to a WRD website is made, our data base is check to see if the IP is SAFE or FRAUDULENT. If the IP is FRAUDULENT the accessing IP address will have an error window appearing where they can contact us if they feel the fraudulent condition is incorrect.
If the IP address does not appear in the WRD IP data base it is checked immediately with the IP Quality Source data base and if the score assigned to the IP address meets the SAFE quality standard, the IP is added the the WRD data base as SAFE, otherwise, the IP is added to the WRD data base as fraudulent and the requesting IP is notified.